Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/121

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NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CllELTKNU AM , 105 Bredon church (in Worcestershire, about three miles from Tewkesbmy) is a very remarkable one. The tower, which is Decorated, and has a lofty steeple, stands between the nave and chancel, but has no transepts. The nave, the western part of which is late Norman, has on the north side a i)orch of the same style, eastward of which is an aisle of only two pier-arches, but with three bays as regards Avindows, its east face being a continuation of the west wall of the tower. This aisle, as well as the chancel, is Decorated. The south aisle is a fine Early English one also of two bays, each of which has two couplets of trefoil-headed lancet whidows, the lights bemg divided from each other (internally) by a shaft which stands free. This aisle terminates to the eastward in the same manner as the other, and does not reach to the west end of the chmx'h. The west end is flanked by square turrets, somewhat similar to those at , Cleeve, though not so rich. The ' '. western arch supj)orting the tower is pointed, but is enriched with chevrons on its western face, and Norman capitals appear in the im- post. The eastern arch is of a later character. The chancel, which is Decorated, consists of three bays, and has sedilia, piscina, and (on the north side) a Decorated tomb with a rich canopy, in the position which is sometimes occu])ied by -..;/-i iiri^i! ; fe the Easter sepulchre. On the south side is a later tondj. There is no door on the south side of this chancel. The churchyard contains some old tombs. This church has been lately much repaired, but its original character does not seem to have been in any way destroyed or injured. It is altogether worth a very careful examination. Badgeworth church, about three miles south-west of Chelt- enham, has a very beautiful north aisle of a somewhat early Decorated character. Its windows are of two lights, with a foliated triangle in the head, and jirofusely em'iched with the ball-Hower, even to the foliations of the lio-hts. Their moukl-