Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/139

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FOUNT) IN CUERDALE. 121 the same manner, but with more regularity, and struck much deeper into the metal ; an annular punch is then used, which by three blows upon the broad space between the bases of the peculiar ornament, produces the three pellets at each point of the zigzag, forming altogether a pattern of very great elegance. There are also in this Cucrdale treasm-e several other armlets differing much in form from the preceding; they generally terminate in thick wires twisted together, but like the preced- ing seem to be entirely formed by the hammer, and orna- mented, if ornamented, by punches. Fig. 48 has a quadrangular section, thickest in the middle, tapering towards the ends, one angle being towards the arm, which appears to have been an inconvenient arrangement for the wearer. Fig. 49 is perfectly similar to the preceding, except that it is smaller, and that the form of the fastening is somewdiat different. Neither of those have anv ornament. Fig. 50 is also a quadrangular, but one of the flat sides is turned towards the arm ; it has not on that side any orna- VOL. IV. R