Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/145

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FOUND IN CUEllDALK. 127 67 69 Fig. G7 is merely a piece of metal hammered flat, thinner and narrower at the ends, and formed into a circle ; the ends lapping over, bnt without any fastening. It is entirely with- out ornament. In some specimens the metal is hammered and l)ent into the form of a ring, in the same manner as the flat one here figured. Figs. G8, G9. These are two rings formed exactly in the same manner as the armlets, figs. 15, 21, and ornamented by the same means. Fig. 70 has been hammered into a small four-sided bar, then twisted, and ultimately formed into a ring, the ends of which meet but have not been united. Fig. 71. Two wires have been hammered into a roundish form, tapering towards the ends, which have been tied toge- ther. Each wire has been ornamented by transverse blows of a blunt chisel, and has the appearance of being also twisted; these two have been entwined together to form one ring, in a manner somewhat similar to the armlet, fig. 57. Fig. 72 is a portion of a ring formed of two small wires twisted together. Fig. 73 is a portion of a ring formed of three wires twisted together, each wire having been indented transversely, so that, when the three are twisted together, each has the appearance ^ of having been previously twisted ; and the whole together exactly resembles a common rope.