Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/287

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NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING, AT NORWICH. 267 111 order to prevent any future misapprehension on the subject, the Com- mittee take this opportunity of again stating, that none but the regular Annual Subscribing members of the Institute will be entitled to receive the volumes containing the proceedings of the Annual Meetings. It is proposed to publish, as soon as possible, an octavo volume, with numerous illustrations, containing the principal memoirs relating to Nor- folk and Norwich, received during the Meeting which has just terminated. This publication will form the third annual volume of the Transactions of the Institute, which Menibcrs are entitled to receive : in order that the Committee may be enabled to form a probable estimate of the number of extra copies which may be required, they invite persons desirous of pro- moting Archaeological researches to give their names as Subscribers as early as convenient. Among the chief papers communicated to the INIeeting were an Essay on the nature of English Topography, and the Sources of Topographical knowledge, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. ; three papers on the suc- cession of the Saxon Kings of East Anglia, by John M. Kemble, Esq., Thomas Stapleton, Esq., V.P.S.A., and the Rev. Henry Mackenzie, of Yarmouth ; the Architectural History of Norwich Cathedral, by Professor Willis ; on the Gates of Norwich, by John Britton, Esq., F.S.A. ; on the Venta Icenorum, by Hudson Gurney, Esq., F.S.A. ; and contributions by Albert Way, Esq., F.S.A., the Rev. J. L. Petit, the Rev. J. H. Dash- wood, FS.A., Arthur Taylor, Esq., F.S.A., Edward Foss, Esq., F.S.A., and T. Hudson Turner, Esq., together with Architectural Notes of Churches, and other ancient edifices in Norwich and its neighbourhood by John Henry Parker, Esq. A Catalogue of the principal objects exhibited in the temporary Museum will be included in the volume. The price of this volume to Subscribers not being Members of the Insti- tute, will be One Pound — Subscribers' names will be received by the Secre- taries of the Archaeological Institute, No. 12, Haymarket, and by the Local Secretaries of the Institute throughout the kingdom. Price, to Members, subscribing for extra copies, fifteen shillings. Part I. of the volume containing the papers read during the Meeting at York is now ready for delivery to Members, and may be procured on appli- cation at the apartments of the Institute : the second part is nearly com- pleted. The Committee request Members residing in the country to trans- mit the names of their agents in London, to whom the Avork will be sent without delay. The Monthly Meetings of the Institute will recommence in November, and will be held — on Fridays, November 5 and December 3 — at 25, Great George Street, Westminster.