INDEX. 385 I'evensey, evidently a Roman settlement, and shewn to be Anderida, 211 Piers, Stoke Orchard, Somerset, 101 Pinnacle, rules for constructing a, A. D. 1486, 21 • diagrams of, 22 — 27 •Piscina, Bishop's Cleeve, 104 Plates of brass and lead, used for design, 15 Pl-LMPTUE, De., O.N BAKEWELL CHURCH, &C., 37—38 •Poppies, Stanton St. John's Church, Oxon, 86 Portatile, notices of, 239, 248 •Postlip Chapel, Gloucestershire, 99 ■ chancel-arch, &c., 100 Elizabethan manor-house, 99 ancient barn, 99 •Pottery, medieval, glazed, found in Carey- etrcet, Loudon, 254 medieval, in form of a mounted knight, found at Lewes, 79 Roman, found at Droitwich, 147 Powell, Mr. N., pottery found by, 254 Prudhoe Castle, ring found at, 164 •Purse of horn, 75 Purse-ring found at Yarm, 361 Pyel's, J., College at Irthliugborough, 272 R. Rasmnssen, Professor, treatise, 202 Kaydon, Suffolk, low side window, 316 Reginald of Durham, an early evidence of the use of the snper-altare, 240 Reigate, Surrey, seal found at, 151 Richard I., 7 RiCKMAN, ON IMPLEMENTS AND MATERIALS OF DESIGN, IN CONNECTION WITH ARCHITEC- TURE, 15—20 •King found at Coleshill, Warwickshire, 359 • at Cuddesden, Oxon, 158 • at Kenilworth Castle, 358 at Prudhoe Castle, 164 ■ medicinal, 78 Rock, Dr., snper-altare in his possession, 247 Romano-British fibula, found at Milton, Oxon, preserved in Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 252 Roman coinB found at Droitwich, 148 in Essex, 145 at Little !Malvern, Worcester, 356 at Milverton, Somerset, 145 crosses in Cornwall, 302 — 313 metal dish, 164 pottery, etc., found at Droitwich, 73, 146, . remains at Brettenham, Norfolk, 252 found at Caistor, Norfolk, 73 at Cuddesden, Oxon, 159 sculpture, found at Wellow, 355 vase, found at Holton, Oxon, 74 Roriczer, rules for constructing a pinnacle, 21 Roslyn Chapel, citation for, 18 Rouen, Abbey of Mount St. Catherine, founded A.D. 1030, 250 Ruby c61our on glass, thickness of, 168 Runic crosses, 38 "S. Sacred ornaments, notice of, 239 — 248 SamarindH, coins of the, 201 Sancreed, Cornwall, cross at, 31 1 Sundford Church, Oxon, sculpture in, 89 •Saxon circlet, found at Brougham, 63 fibula, found in Isle of Thanet, 164 Saxon vases, found at Cuddesden, 159 Screen, iron, to tomb of Queen Eleanor, 76 •Sculptures, Horsepath Church, Oxon, 86 • of the Assumption of the Virgin, in Sandford Church, Oxon, 89 Roman, found at Wellow, Somer- set, 355 Seaford, supposed to be Anderida, 210 Seals, antiquity of, 162 ; materials of, ih. ; shape of, 163 ; antique intaglios used as, ib. collections of, 164 • found at Darlington, 149 at Doncaster, 360 • of an ecclesiastic, temp. Edw. I., 77 of the family of Bingham, 360 • found at Finniugley, 360 great, with device of crescent and star, 77 in possession of F. H. Dickenson, Esq., of James IV. of Scotland, 164 of Ilbert de Lacy, 249 medieval, 150, 162 of William of Wykeham, as archdeacon of Lincoln, 156 •Sevenhamptou Church, Gloucestershire, 107 • interior of tower, 108 Shurdington spire, Gloucestershire, 110 Site of the city of Anderida, 203 — 217 Sittingbourne Church, Kent, monumental sculp- ture in, 81 Skeletons found at Brougham, 64 •Slabs, incised, at Brougham, 60, 61 at Bakewell, 38 six at Chelmorton, 54 Slyfield, familj' brasses of, 152 Smith, W. Bernhard, account of a crucifix, 1.^6 Snodland, Kent, painted glass, 175 Somerton, Oxon, low side window, 318 Southgate House, Derbyshire, embroidery, 291, 300 Southampton, architectural remains in, 7 king's, site of identified, with its description and particulars, 8, 9 Norman windows, 10 walls of, 7, 12, 13 walls, construction of, 10 • Norman houses described, 11 — 13 ground-plan, 11 interior views, 12, 13 Sprouston, seal found at, 150 Spur found at Brougham, 65 at Chesterford, Cambridgeshire, 65 Stacye, Rev. John, on discoveries at Worksop, 264 Stanford, Northants, painted glass, 171 Stanton St. John's, Oxon, poppies, 86 Staunton, W., Esq., gold signet ring, 358 Steeple Aston Church, Oxon, embroidery, 285 •Stoke Orchard Chapel, Gloucestershire, 100 • bell-turret, 102 font, 102 • piers, 101 •Stoup, Horsepath, Oxon, 87 Sudely Castle Chapel, 110 Sdpbb-altare, notice ok, 239 — 248 at St. Alban's, 243 Glastonbury, 243 • in possession of Dr. Rock, 247 mentioned by Bede, 240 not used in the Greek Church, • of gold, several recorded, 244 • presented by Bp. Leofric, in A.D. preserved at Liege, 1137, 242 248 1050, 242
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