Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/430

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2a SUBSCRIBERS. Robinson, Rev. C. W. Hoton, Leices- tershire Robins, Rev. S. Shaftesbury Robin, Rev. Philip R. Bolton, Lanca- shire Rochester, Very Rev. the Dean of

  • Rodmell, Rev. John, Burford, Salop

Rodd, Rev. C. North Hill Rodwell, Mr. Bookseller, Bond Street Rogers, Edw, Esq. Blackheath Rogers, Rev. John, Canou of Exeter Rohde, Rlrs. Eleanor, Croydon Romney, Rev. F. II. near Worcester Rooper, Rev. Wm. Abbots' Ripton

  • Rose, Rev. H. H. Eardiugton, Bir-

mingham Rothfield, Rev. John M. Round, Rev. James F. Colchester Routh, Rev. Martin Joseph, D.D. Presi- dent of Magdalen Coll. Rowe, W. Esq. Rockwell, Tipperary Rump, James, Esq. Swanton Morley, Norfolk Rusher and Johnson, Messrs. Booksellers, Reading Russell, J. Watts, Esq. Ham Hall Russell, Rev. M. Watts, Benefield, Oundle tRussell, Mr. Bookseller, Aberdeen Russell, Rev. J. F. Enfield Russell, Rev. Samuel Heniy Ryder, Rev. G. D. Easton, Hants

  • Ryder, T. D. Esq. Oriel Coll.

Salter, Rev. John, Iron Acton, Bristol Sampays, A. J. Esq. Fulham Sanders, Rev. John, Liverpool Sanders, Rev. Lloyd, Exeter

  • Sandford, Rev. G. B. Prestwich,

Manchester Sandham, J. M. Esq. St. John's Coll. Sandilands, Rev. R. S. B. Saunders, Rev. A. P. Charterhouse Saunder, Rev. J. Sidney Sussex Coll. Camb. Savage, Rev. W. St. Mary's Church, Torquay Scadding, Rev. H. Chaplain to Bishop of Toronto Schneider, Rev. H. Scobell, Rev. John, Southover, Lewes Scott, H. B. Esq. Honiton Scott, Rev. John •*Scott, Rev. R. Baliiol Coll. Scott, Rev. W. fScudamore, Rev. W. E. Ditchinghjra, Bungay Selwyn, Rev. Wm. Ely

  • Sewell, Rev. J. E. New Coll.

Seymour, Rev. Sir J. H. Bart. North- church, Herts Seymour, Rev. Richard, Kinwartou, Alcester Shadwell, Rev. J. E. Southampton Sharp, Rev. John, Horbury Sharp, Rev. W. Addingham, Cumber- land

  • Sharpe, Rev. W. C. Marlborough

Sharpies, Rev. T. Blackburn Shaw, Rev. E. B. Narborough, LeiceS tershire Shaw, Rev. Morton, Havvkhurst, Kent fShaw, Rev. G. Fen Drayton Shearly, W. J. Esq. St. Peter's Coll. Cambridge Shedden, S. Esq. Pembroke College Shepherd, Rev. Samuel Sheppard, J. H. Esq. Queen's Coll. tSheppard, W, Esq. Oriel Coll. Sheppard, Rev. F. Clare Hall, Camb. •Sherlock, Rev. H. H. Ashton, in Winwick Sherwood, Rev. Mr.

  • Shil]ibeer, Mr. John, Oundle

Shiplon, Mr. Thos. Bookseller, Chel- tenham