Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 5.djvu/355

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ILLUSTRATIONS OF MEDIEVAL MANNERS, &C. 259 make them redy for to rcsccyve the hye and worshipfiille ordir of knyghthode, at hye festis of the yere, or at suche tyme as it likith the kynge for to desire them for to come. % The evyn of the day of the feste, alle the squyers that schalle be made knyghtis, they schalle come alle to gedir im to the kyngis Palys^, and then the statis of the kyngis hoiis schalle mete with hem, and brynge hem up in to the kyngis presence, and then schalle the kyngis sewer goo iin to the kechyn for his mete, and alle the squyers Avith him, that schalle be made knyghtis, for eche on of them schalle bere a disshe, and they schalle serve the kynge but of the firste course : and when the kynge is servid then schalle the gentilmenusshers brynge hem alle to gedir in to ther chambir : then they shalle have ther service in to ther chambir, and dyne alle to gedir, and when they have dynid then schalle the gentilman usshere come in to the seyde Chambir, and asyne every squyer his plase for his bedde and for his bayne ; and when the kynge hath dynid, then schalle be sent be the kyngis comaundement serteyne squyers of his housolde to awayte upon them that schalle be made knyghtis, and be ther servauntis and chambirleynes. •[ Then schalle the kyngis barboure come and shave alle the squyers, and every squyer schalle paye for his berde sliavynge XX. s. and every squyer schalle ordeyne for his bayne xxiiij. elhs of lynnyn clothe, and that schalle the kyngis barboure have for his fee. % Then schalle the seyde squyers goo un to ther bayne, and alle that abillment the sergaunt of the chaundre^ shalle have for his fee ; and when they be in ther bayne then schalle the herawdis of armys goo un to the kynge, and lete him have knowlege that the squyers bene in ther bayne : then schalle the kynge comaunde the stewarde of his house, with otliir lordis and knyghtis for to goo un to the squyers, and yeve them ther charge as they sitte in ther bayne. % Then schalle the stewarde come Avith alle the lordis and knyghtis, the kyngis mynstrellis and herawdis of armys before them, un to the chambir dore, and then the lordis entir in to the chambir with the herawdis, for to yeve them ther charge as they bene in the bayne, sayinge in this wise, ^ Brothir, the kynge oure sovereyne lorde wolle that ye take this hye and b This prefatory paragraph does not oc- pare the account of the equipment of their cur in the text published by Anstis. liorses afterwards, where the same fee to •^ Here occurs this marc^inal addition in the marshal is named, a later hand, " and the marschalle of yng- '^ The Chaundelere, Anstis. land schalle have alle ther horsses." Com-