Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/374

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230 SEPULCHRAL DEPOSIT IN HOLYHEAD ISLAND. It is marked, over the entire surface, as is also the hp, within, by hnes scored with a fine-pointed tool, and forming a suc- cession of zigzag bands. (See woodcut.) This urn, as it is stated, was not inverted. The urns had been placed on a flat stone, forming a sort of floor. In the preceding woodcut, their proportion is shown, as nearly as it can be ascertained, by careful observation of the fragment of the larger urn. A second similar deposit was brought to light, adjacent to that wdiich has been described : the outer urn had become quite decayed, and crumbled into black dust ; within it had been placed a small urn, of still more diminutive size than the former, and quite plain, without any ornamental scorings : it was, fortunately, preserved, and measures in height 2|- inches ; diameter of mouth, 2^ inches ; diameter of widest part, 3 J inches ; base, If inches. Like the first, it contained ashes. ^ (See woodcut.) I rus found at Forth Dafarch. (One-third original size.) A few feet to the west of these remains, a rudely formed cist, placed nearly east and west, was found, formed of four slabs of stone, set edgeways, and covered by a fifth slab of large size. This burial-place bears much resemblance to the remarkable graves discovered at Towyn-y-Capel, near Holyhead, as described in a former volume of the Archaeo- logical Journal.^ No bones, or remains of any kind, as it is stated, wer-e found in this cist : dry sand only appeared, covering the bottom. Careful examination of the spot having subsequently been made, a considerable quantity of bones were found scattered around ; but as, unfortunately, no one witnessed the first discovery, except the agricultural labourers, and the mound was afterwards disturbed by " Compare a dnnkiiiK cup (?) found in « See the memoir by Hon. William 0. Wiltshire, very .similar in form. Hoare'a Stanley, Archaeol. Journal, vol. iii., p. 226. Ancient Wilts, vol. i., j). ii.'j.