Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/46

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Anglo-Roman Pottery, probably fabricated at Castor, with Ornaments in relief and painted.

Discovered in a Romnn villa at Chesterford, Essex, October, 1848.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 6, 0046a.png

Light-brown Ware.
Height, 51/2 inches.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 6, 0046b.png

Black Ware; ornaments red.
Height, 41/2 inches.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 6, 0046c.png

Portion of the above enlarged

Archaeological Journal, Volume 6, 0046d.png

Brown Ware.
Height, 8 inches.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 6, 0046e.png

Brown Ware; ornaments white.
One-third size of the orginal.