Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/633

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INDEX. 451 remains of, found at Lauiel-hill, York, 36; Anglo-Saxon, 37, 132; green- glazed, 30 ; found at West Firsby, Lin- colnshire, 400; Irish, in county Cork, 191; British urn found at Bulford, Wilts, 319 ; ewers, of glazed ware, of French or Spanish fabrication, exhi- bited, 295. Pounsed work, ponsatum opus, 415. Powder-flask, carved, cihibited by Sir W. Lawson, 292. Poynings, Sussex, notice of the chui'ch, 141. Poynter, Mr., seals of Coi-poi-ation of Dovor exhibited by, 412. Pratt, ilr., Spanish celt exhibited by, 69, 369. Prayers, Thomas de, his seal, 77. Proceedings at Meetings of the Institute, 69, 175, 283, 395. Processional crucifix, exhibited, 73. Publications, Archaeological, notices of. Museum Disneianum, 83. Sculptui-ed Monuments of Angus, 86. The Montunental Brasses of England, by the Rev. (J. Boutell, 90. Specimens of Geometrical Mosaic of the Middle Ages, by Digby Wyatt, 92. Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Times, by Daniel Wilson, 20l. Histoiy of Architectm-e, by E. A. Free- man, 308. Leicestershire Words, Phrases, and Proverbs, by Dr. Evans, 310. Book of Ornamental Glazing Quarries, by A. W. Franks, 313. Manual for the Studj- of Sepulchral Slabs and Crosses, &c., by the Rev. E. L. Cutts, 315. The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Anti- quities of Scotland, by R. W. Billing and W. Burn, 417. Manners and Customs of the Greeks, ti-anslatcd from the German of Th. Panofka, 420. History of Stained Glass, from the Earliest Period, &c., by W. Warring- ton, 424. Xotes on Cheltenham, Ancient and Mediajval, by W. H. Gomonde, 434. Q. Quantock Hills, Somerset, celts discovered, 81 ; antiquities found there, 380. Quarries, Book of Ornamentid Glazing, by Mr. A. W. Franks, notice of, 313. Quekett, Mr., his remarks on remains found in sepulchral deposit in Wales, 232. R. Ram, Mr. S., antique cameo exhibited bv 187. Ramsay, David, watch made by, 415. Rappoir of ivory, in museum of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 191. Reeth, Yorksliire, ancient remains neai", 344. Reliquary, mural, at Kew Stoke, Somerset, 400. Reredos, finely sculptured in St. Cuthbei-t's churchy, Wells, 283. Reycross, Yorkshire, encampment at, 350. Richardson, Mr. E., his restoration of effi- gies at Elford church, Stafibrdshire, 99. • , his account of etHgies of the Minors family at Stoke upon Trent, Staffordshire, 186. , exhibits casts from the font at Bourne church, Lincolnshire, 290. Riddings, name of place, explained, 49. Ring, of Richard, King of the Romans, 72 ; with symbol of St. Anthonj-, found at Lidgate, Sufiblk, 181. of silver, in collection of Major Kerr Macdonald, 72. of gold, found at Hall, near Barnstaple, Devon, 181. set -with gem, from Babylon, 182. spiral, found at Largo, Fifeshire, 256. gold, found at Barton, Oxfordshire, 289; at Botford, Lincolnshire, 407. exhibited by Mr. Whincopp, 190. Rings of gold found at Abbey Melton, Dorset, Blandford, Piddletown Heath, Waterford, Sligo, Belfast, Thaxted, Sufi'olk, and Bonner, Sussex, 56 — 58. Ring fibulte, 20, 69, 71. Ring-money from Senuaar, 56. Roads, memoir on Roman, between the Tees and the Swale, 213, 335. Rock, Dr., on the rite of St. Osmond at Sarum, 99. RoUestou, wardens of school at, their silver seal, 292. Roman sepulchre at Geldestone, Norfolk, 109. houses at Cirencester, pavements in, 326. amphitheati-e at Cirencester, 334. remains in Cambridgeshire, 14; at Colchester, 183 ; at North Waltham, Hants, 193 ; near Reigate, Surrey, 288 j at Cirencester, 321. roads, camps, &c., in the North Riding, 213, 335. ridge, Yorkshire, 47. construction, notices of, 24, 119. Romsey Abbey, spoon found at, exhibited, 199. Roof, timbered, at Sodgeborrow church, 42.