Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/636

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454 INDEX. Thuribulum, British, found in a barrow at Bulford, Wilts, 319. Thurnam, Dr., his memoir on a tumnlar cemetery at Lamel Hill, York, 27, 12-3. Tiles, Eoman, at Chesterford, 16, 25 ; Cirencester, 382 ; medieval, of Roman fashion, in churches in Norfolk, 361, 363 ; decorative, for pavements, from Barton, Camb., 82 ; sepulchral effigy- formed of, at Lingfield, Surrey, 176. Tiwe, Reinald de, his seal exhibited, 413. Tooth-ache, medieval charm against, 290. Torc-armlet, of gold, 48. Torques, bronze, foimd at Wedmore, Somerset, 81. Tower armory, solleret, spur, &c., from, exhibited, 292. Towers, round, of churches in Sussex, 139. Ti'adition, singular examples of, 259. Trant, Mr., notices of sepulchral remains in Yorkshire, 289. Tribuli, caltraps, found at Chesterford, 21. Trijjtych, Greek, of metal, found at Harwich, 182; of ivory, beautifully carved, 415. Trollope, Mr. Arthur, communicates a singular leaden vessel, from Toi-ksey, Lincolnshire, 189; cast of a Roman sepulchral slab, found at Lincoln, presented by, 289. Trudes, weapon or implement so called, 366 n. Tucker, Mr. Charles, his memoir on cists and antiquities at Swinton Park, York- shire, 45 ; his memoir and observations on the Roman Corinium (Cirencester) and mosaic pavements discovered there, 318. thuribulum from Nuremberg, ex- hibited by, 181, Roman glass unguentarium, exhi- bited by, 187. Tumuli, Lamel Hill, York, 27, 123; at Lagoi'e, CO. Meath, 101 ; in Wales, 226; at Largo, Fifeshiro, 248; in the Crimea, 263; in Ireland, 318; near Kirkby Ravensworth, 343 ; called Palet Hill and Thi-ummy Hills, near Catterick, 346 ; at Pitcur, Scotland, 377. Remarks on classification of, 106. U. Unguentarium, 12 ; of bhic glass, 187. Urn, British, found at liulford, Wilts, 319 ; Roman, found at Stratford-lc-bow, 76 ; various, in Mr. Disney's museum, 84, 85; at Winchester, 183,194; Colches- ter, 85. , supposed to be Irish, found in Holy- head island, 226. of Bronwcn the Fair, found in Angle- sea, 237. Urn, containing pulley-shaped beads, foun<l in Norfolk, 405. , Anglo-Saxon, found at Lamel Hill, York, 36, 132. found in tumulus at Claughton Hall, Lancashire, 75. found at Cairn Thierna, county Cork, 191. Ursvyke, Christopher, MS. written for, 190. Utting, Mr., ancient inscribed mortar exhi- bited by, 416. Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, tombs of the. Minors family there, removed, 187. Valle Crucis Abbey, inscribed slab near, 175. Vertue, his bust of Milton noticed, 200. Vessels of terra cotta, or fire-clay, supposed for alchemy, found near Durham, 73. Villas, Roman, in Cambi'idgeshu-e, 16 ; at North Waltham, Hants, 193. Visitations, the heraldic, in Brit. Mus., catalogue of by Mr. Sims, noticed, 320. Vulliamy, Mr. George, notice of an ancient jetty near Westminster Palace, 71. W. W. S. W., memoir on the Gad- whip service, 239. Waborne church, Norfolk, notice of, 362. ' Wake, custom relating to at Congleton, 182. Walbran, Mr. J. R., account of excavations at Fountains Abbey, 186. Wald', Richard de, 282, 416. Wales. Roman mines, &c., in Carmarthenshire, 55 ; leaden seal found near St. Asaph, 73, 296 ; sculptured crosses, &c., in, 87 ; survey of Caernarvon castle, 98; docmnents relating to, 165, 393; sculptm'ed slab near Valle Crucis, 175 ; sepulchral brasses at Llanrwst, 191 ; sepvilchral remains at Perth Dafarch, Holyhead Island, 226; site of Roman station MecUolanum, 399; antiquities at Llanarmon, 402. Waller, Mr., his work on sepulchral brasses, 90, 437. Walrus, tooth used in place of ivory, 170. Waltham, St. Laurence, Berks, Roman re- mains at, 114. Wardell, Mr., antiquities exhibited by, 401. Ware, Herts, gold tore found at, 53. Warke, Northumberland, jet seal found at, 405. Wanic, Mr., gold rings in his museum, 57. Warrington, Mr., his history of stained glass, notice of, 421.