Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/333

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SILCIIESTER. 21-5 gold coins have occurred at Silclicster. An aureus of Valcns is in Mr. Barton's cabinet. One of Arcadius was found in 1791, and is figured Gent. ]rag., June, 1 792, p. 52.9. A rare aureus of Allectus, and one of Valentinian, have also been found. We do not find in i[r. Barton's interest- ing little museum any ancient relics formed of the precious metals, such as the curious irold rino;, found in plouoliin"; at Silchester o o loo in 1785, bearing an antique head, inscribed VEXVS, and the words seniciane vivas IINDE {sie) Archa)ol., viii., p. 449. Objects of such intrinsic value are rare, but he is in possession of several fibulae, armlets, and other ornaments of bronze of various kinds. By Mr. D. ]Iaclauchlan's kindness, we are enabled to give representations of a few of them. They comprise a bronze stylus, and a ligula or probe, similar to that figured in Mr. Lee's representation of Roman relics from Caerlcon, in this Journal [ante, p. 160). Also a bronze key, adjusted so as to be worn as a finger-ring ; a variety of the vlaris Laconica. Such rings have repeatedly [been found on Roman sites. Van Rymsdyk has given one, found at Verulam, in his " Museum Britannicum," tab. vii. ; and a good specimen, disinterred at Chesterford |in 1847, is in the Hon. Richard Neville's Museum at Audley End. Another may be seen figured in the "Museum Kircherianum," itab. liv. The accompanying woodcuts re- ipresent a fibula of unusually slender fashion, a small bell, a curious little object in the |forin of an axe {securicula), possibly a child's toy, and a singular relic, like a miniature gridiron, with three diminutive projections, pr feet on one side ; it appears to have been adjusted to a handle, of wood possibly, pr bone, but its use has not been ascertained. lAU these are of bronze, and the representations arc of the pame size as the originals. It may deserve notice that the Bronze stylus and li</ula. Silchester. (Urig. size.)