Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/342

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250 REMARKS OX OXE OF THE GREAT SEALS OF EDWARD III. We have been thus minute in pointing out the periods in which the seals in question were respectively in use, up to the date of these documents, because, besides the main object of these remarks, it seemed desirable to draw the attention of those, who may have access to depositories of ancient records, to the times in which the seal E was used in England, in the hope that other impressions of it may yet be brought to light ; a thing much to be wished, in confirmation of the claim of this seal to be the missing seal e.^ For, although according to the dates we have given, there would seem to be no doubt on the point, there is a difficulty in the way. which remains now to be considered. During the long period that elapsed between October 1347, and the treaty of Bretign}'- in jMay 1360, the usual exchanges of the great seals took place four times ; for though the king appears to have gone abroad only once in that interval, viz., in 1359, he had at the end of October, 1348, made all necessary arrangements and was on the point of embarking at Sandwich, but did not quit England ;■* and on none of those occasions does any new great seal appear to have been used f but it is remarkable that between the 4th and 15th K'ovember, 1348, while the king w^as at Sandwich, both E and f were in use. Pursuant to the terms of that treaty, Edward laid aside the title of king of France, and had accordingl}- a new great seal made, which was shortly after emploj'^ed, and has been designated G, by Professor WiUis, and on it the word ^ With this object we have placed at F, which had been deposited in the Trea- the end of these remarks a tabular view sury by John de OHbrd on the 1 7th of of the dates at which this seal was used, Nov., 22 Edw. III., 1.348 (Rymer, iii., a-s far as it can be traced in Rynier, p. 1 77), and had continued there till taken rather than weary the reader with any out in Oct, la.i.'l. The same Seal, in the further repetition of the exchan<;es of memorandum of exchan<;e made in Ma.v, the seals, which is not necessary for our 1360, on the kinj^'s return, is called subject. " Magnum Sigillum in absentia dicti ^ Rymer, iii. pp. 17fi, 177. Domini Regis pro consignationo breviuin ^ In the memorandum of the exchange usitatum," and was delivered to the Trea- on the king's going aliroad in Oct., 13of) surer, and one of the king's chamberlains, (Rymer, iii., p. 452), a great Seal was to be kept in the Trea.sury (Rymer, iii-, ordered to be delivered to the Chancellor, ]>. 4f<4), and where, for aught that appears, which was described as "Magnum Sigil- it remained till the transaction in 1369, lum pro reginiine Ufheii Cancellarii in which is about to be mentioned. Froissart absentia ipsius Regis deputatum," audit (ch. 149, Johnes' Ti-anslation) has a story was delivered to him in a bag sealed with replete with romantic incidents, of Edward the Seal of John de Offord, fonnerly and the Black Prince having gone over Chancelliir, but who was then dead ; yet privately to Calais in Dec, 1248, to assist on examining the previous memoranda, in encfiuntering a party of French whom no good rea.'ion is ffiuiid for believing this the Governor had engaged to admit into to have been any other than the Great the place ; but no trace of this visit has Seal " pro rcgimine dicti regni Anglie in been discovered in Rymer. absentia Domini Regis deputatum," viz.,