Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/11

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Index to Vol. I. Mortar 759 Modem House Building 521 Memorial Church at Gettysburg, Pa 13 Model Cottage 749 Methods of Finding Water 771 N. New Banking House, Elliott and Dunn's 362 Nails, (Reading) Table of 101 New York Notes 198 New Market in New York 253 New Classification of Buildings 259 New Year, the 417 New Jersey Insane Asylum 551 New City Hall, Pittsburgh 554 O. Our Architectural Review 353 " Public Libraries 168 Our Pine Resources , 506 " Gardens of Repose 519 Oriel Window with sliding shutters 182 Oakland, Marble Quarry 183 Origin of the Pointed style 225 Organs 459 Outcalt's Patent Elastic 537 Ornamentation for Looking Glasses.. ...... 589 Our Manufacturers Reviewed 607 Oleography 709 Open Competition 727 P. Permanent Liquid Glue 479 Presbyterian Church, Bridgeton, N. J.... 494 Pittsburgh, Third Presbyterian Church.. 97 Pneumatic Gas, Rand's 580 Penn Treaty Ground 16, 113, 185 Permutation Lock, Patent 607 Practical Carpentry and Joinery 140 Plumbing 145, 331 Palladian Store 9 Palladio and his Style 161 Porches, Designs tor four 248 Progress of Architecture 278 Picture Galleries 314 Pumps- -to prevent freezing 580 Pictures 320 Plate Glass, Table of. 221 Porcelain, Glass, and Pottery 341 Plastic Slate for Roofing 535 Patent Metal Roofing 579 Publications received and Reviewed 608 Pennsylvania Hospital for Insane 626 Proportions for Windows 715 Periodicals 736, 792 Philadelphia Gas Trust 15 Philadelphia Park Extension 44 Portable Gas Apparatus 764 Parisian Promenades 770 Q. Quarry of Agate Marble 88 Queries and Responses 544, 606, 736, 791 606, 736 R. Richmond Granite Company 415 Review of New Books 258, 416, 480, 544 Restoration of Mount Vernon 85 Reading Nails, Table of 101 Residence, Suburban 429 Rural School-house 435 Roofing, Patent Metal 579 Rand's Pneumatic Gas 580 Restoration of the Cathedral of Perigent.. 595 Rhode Island Hospital. 683 Rat-Proof Building 756 Recent Visit to Pompeii 773 Specification for a City Dwelling 376 Sutherland Steam Pump, the 581 Suggestions in Building Dwellings 395 Stained Glass 57, 149, 401, 538, 585, 658 Science of Building 403 Summer Houses ,. 498 Style and Comfort 410 Secret doors to Libraries 570 Suburban Residence 429 '« Villa 750 Store 425, 487 Store Front Architecture 763 Slating and Slate 452 Symbolical Coloring.. 193 School houses, Rural 435 Steamship lines for Philadelphia 200 Spruce Street (W.) Baptist Church 244 Small Houses for the many 261 Serpentine as a Building Stone..... 261 Statuary on Buildings 273 Scenic Effect 352 Science of Building 461 Street Architecture, Our 469 Statuary as an aid to Architecture 542 Shutter Fastener 772 Twin City Dwellings 366 Third Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh... 97 Table of Reading Nails 101 " Window Glass 187 " Superficies 277 " Slate 451 " Weights of Timber 511 Treaty Ground, Penn 113 Twin Window Frame lbl