Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/297

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1868.] Descriptions. 215 floor for over six hundred persons, and with the lecture-room, school and gal- leries, about double that number. The tower measures 30 feet at the base, across the buttresses ; will be finished with crocheted gablets in its four faces ; and have angle turrets, en- riched with carvings. It will be sur- mounted by a spire banded with color, its upper portion enriched with crockets. The highest point will be somewhat over two hundred feet from the pavement. A turret staircase is carried up at one angle, and finished with an arcade having polished granite shaftlets sur- mounted by a stone coping. The belfry arches will be left open. Above the belfry is a clock-chamber. The lower entrance will be enriched with four shafts of polished granite, red and black, placed alternately. Their capitals to be carved with the daffodils of spring, the bending grain of summer, the fruits of autumn, and the ice-laden branches of winter. Above their foliage, this text: "While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease." The exterior of various points is en- riched with carvings, all different — but all appropriate. Those, for example, on the transept-gable, facing the East, though like the rest, in themselves differ- ent, are all identical in their symbolism. Beneath a cross which finishes the apex of this gable, is carved, enriched with foliage, the words, " Agnus Dei ;" and following them, at intervals, simi- larly carved, the words, " Lux," " Dux," " Lex," "Rex," "Alpha," and " Omega;" and, below, the text, "Blessed are all they that trust in Him ;" while around the great arch, spanning the porch and rose window above it, are seen carved the rose, the lily, the wheat, the vine, the lion, the crown, and the star, symbols which need no translation to those who know the blessings of a trust in Him, who is "The Lamb of God, the Light of the World," "Our Leader," "Our King," "The Alpha and the Omega," "The Rose of Sharon," and "The Lily of the Valley," " The Bread of Life," "The True Vine," "The Lion of the tribe of Judah," " The Crown of Glory," and "The bright and Morning Star." Below the window, a band of foliage is carried across the archway, and bears the text, " He shall feed His flock like a shepherd." Below, it again, on each Broad street. N M, Main entrance. T, Tower. C, Communion table P, Pulpit. B, Baptistry. S S S, Sedilia. Y, Pastor's study. A, Anteroom. E, Entrance to school and lecture-room. L, Lecture-room, (schools above.) E, Rear entrance. B, Closet. N, Transept porch. G G G, Grass and shrubbery.