Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/601

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1869.] Descriptions. 489 building, without any injurious vapor whatever escaping from any of the burners. Thus it will be seen, that the invent- or's Ventilating Globe-Light renders the burning of gas, hitherto, as we have before shown, one of the most fruitful causes of the impurity of the atmosphere of apartments, one of the most efficient means of ventilation. The very heat it produces while burning, being made not only to carry off the impure carbonic acid gas, ammonia, and sulphuretted hydrogen, which it engenders — and which has been hitherto allowed freely to escape unchecked and poison the air — but also to create a current, for the introduction of fresh and pure air. Description op the Ventilating Globe-Light. This section shows the working of the sj^stem to be, as follows : — As soon as the burner is lighted, an upward current is created, in the inner tube ; this becomes heated, and rarifies the air in the larger or outer tube. The air in both pipes is conveyed to the chimney of the room, in which the Pendant is fixed, thus producing two liJ^ -l: ■■- - X - • - ' "" ' ^ -„- , j distinct actions, viz., the entire removal of the carbonic acid gas, and other pro- ducts, from the burner, and also a gentle movement of the heated and vitiated air of the room, to the chimney of the