Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/769

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18G9.] Descriptions. 623 porch to each entrance, and a baj'-win- dow to each parlor, with balconies around the pile, which is two stories high, having a French roof, equivalent to a third story. The corresponding parts, of both ten- ements, have the same letters affixed to them, upon the plans. A, the Vestibule, 1 by 1 feet. B, the Parlor, 14 by 20 feet. C, the Stair- Hall, 1 feet wide, containing the Main Stairs, which are continued to the upper story. D is the Dining-Room, 14 by 18 feet. E, the Private Stairs leading to the second story. F, Butler's Pantry, which is entered from the passage and lighted by a window in the outer wall. G is the Kitchen, 12 by 12 feet. The second story has four Chambers, H H, II H, and Stair-Hall I, and a Bath-Boom J, which is over the butler's pantry, and of the same dimensions. K, the Landing of Private Stairs, with four steps leading up to the main floor. The third story in the right-hand dwelling will have one additional room in the quadrangle occupied by the par- lor and the second-story front ch amber. By this means the same number of rooms is had, in both residences ; there being no third story to the kitchen part. A house as represented in either half of this description will afford ample ac- commodations for a family of six per- sons ; and cost, in conjunction with its Siamese Twin, will be $8,048.60, if built in accordance with the following con- densed description : — The cellar will extend throughout the whole building ; seven feet deep in the clear. The walls will all be of stone, those in the cellar of the main part of