Page:Arkansas Constitution 1874 (published 1913).pdf/35

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Biennial Report of Secretary of State.


impeachment and address.

Section 1. The Governor and all State officers, judges of the supreme and circuit courts, chancellors and prosecuting attorneys shall be liable to impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors and gross misconduct in office, but the judgment shall go no further than removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit under this State. An impeachment, whether successful or not, shall be no bar to an indictment.

Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate. When sitting for that purpose the senators shall be upon oath or affirmation; no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members thereof. The Chief Justice shall preside unless he is impeached or otherwise disqualified, when the Senate shall select a presiding officer.

Sec. 3. The Governor, upon the joint address of two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly, for good cause, may remove the Auditor, Treasurer, Secretary of State, Attorney General, judges of the supreme and circuit courts, chancellors and prosecuting attorneys.


finance and taxation.

Section 1. Neither the State nor any city, county, town or other municipality in this State shall ever loan its credit for any purpose whatever; nor shall any county, city, town or municipality ever issue any interest-bearing evidences of indebtedness, except such bonds as may be authorized by law to provide for and secure the payment of the present existing indebtedness, and the State shall never issue any interest-bearing treasury warrants or scrip.

See. 2. The General Assembly shall, from time to time, provide for the payment of all just and legal debts of the State.

See. 3. The making of profit out of public moneys, or using the same for any purpose not authorized by law, by any officer of the State or member or officer of the General Assembly, shall be punishable as may be provided by law; but part of such punishment shall be disqualification to hold office in this State for a period of five years.

Sec. 4. The General Assembly shall fix the salaries and fees of all officers in the State, and no greater salary or fee than that fixed by law shall be paid to any officer, employe or other person, or at any rate other than par value; and the number and salaries of the clerks and employes of the different departments of the State shall be fixed by law.