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¬or at all events to take no concern in the in- ternal government of that country whilst their own territories were not invaded, she might have given to that distracted people a free con- stitution, have put down for ever the prejudices which had so long been the sources of perpetual warfare, and raised perhaps an immortal monu- ment of universal freedom. ¬" In the history however of this momentous crisis, and to support this opinion, the utmost precision as to time is necessary, because many still deny that there ever existed any confede- racy of hostile nations antecedent to hosti- lities against themselves; but to dispose of this assertion it may be accepted as truth, and the argument will then stand thus : — With the powers then confederated, or confederating or that only afterwards in their own defence did confederate, the mediation of Armata, if not imperative and conclusive, would have had a most healing and conciliating effect. — At that period no invasion of other nations r; 3 had ¬