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Mcher permitted his uncles to return to their own dwelling-places and himself rode toward Tosp.

Men say he is still there, and they show his house, and even now water flows from the rocks for his horse. On Ascension-night the door of Mcher’s rock opens. But it is decreed that he shall not go out: the floor holds him not, his feet sink into the earth.

Once on Ascension-night a shepherd saw Mcher’s door open, and the shepherd entered. Mcher asked him: “By what occupation do you live?”

“By brains,” said the shepherd.

Then Mcher said: “We shall see what kind of brains you have! Take the nose-bag of my horse and hang it around his neck.”

The shepherd tried with all his might, but could not lift the bag. He led the horse to the bag, opened it, and put the straps around the horse's neck. The horse raised his head and lifted the bag. The shepherd led him back to his place and said, “That is the sort of brains by which we live in the world.”

Then the shepherd said, “Mcher, when will you leave this place?”

Mcher answered: “When plum-trees bear wheat and wild-rose bushes barley, it is appointed I shall leave this place.”

And three apples fell down from heaven—one for the storyteller, one for the hearer, and the other for the whole world.