Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/21

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MAY 23, 1950

73. Combination of punishments.—A sentence of a court-martial may award in addition to or without any one other punishment, the punishment specified in clause (d) or clause (e) of section 71 and any one or more of the punishments specified in clauses (f) to (l) of that section.

74. Cashiering of officers.—An officer shall be sentenced to be cashiered before he is awarded any of the punishments specified in clauses (a) to (c) of section 71.

75. Field punishment.—Where any person subject to this Act and under the rank of warrant officer commits any offence on active service, it shall be lawful for a court-martial to award for that offence any such punishment as is prescribed as a field punishment. Field punishment shall be of the character of personal restraint or of hard labour but shall not be of a nature to cause injury to life or limb and shall not include flogging.

76. Position of field punishment In scale of punishments.—Field punishment shall for the purpose of commutation be deemed to stand next below dismissal in the scale of punishments specified in section 71.

77. Result of certain punishments in the case of a warrant officer or non-commissioned officer.—A warrant officer or a non-commissioned officer sentenced by a court-martial to transportation, imprisonment, field punishment or dismissal from the service shall be deemed to be reduced to the ranks.

78. Retention in the ranks of a person convicted on active service.—When, on active service, any enrolled person has been sentenced by a court-martial to dismissal, or to transportation or imprisonment whether combined with dismissal or not, the prescribed officer may direct that such person may be retained to serve in the ranks, and such service shall be reckoned as part of his term of transportation or imprisonment, if any.

79. Punishments otherwise than by court-martial.—Punishments may also be inflicted in respect of offences committed by persons subject to this Act without the intervention of a court-martial and in the manner stated in sections 80, 83, 84 and 85.

80. Punishment of persons other than officers, junior commissioned officers and warrant officers.—Subject to the provisions of section 81, a commanding officer or such other officer as is, with the consent of the Central Government, specified by the Commander-in-Chief, may, in the prescribed manner, proceed against a person subject to this Act otherwise than as an officer, junior commissioned officer or warrant officer who is charged with an offence under this Act and award such person, to the extent prescribed, one or more of the following punishments, that is to say,—

(a) imprisonment in military custody up to twenty-eight days;
(b) detention up to twenty-eight dayB;
(c) confinement to the lines up to twenty-eight days;
(d) extra guards or duties;
(e) deprivation of a position of tho nature of an appointment or of corps or working pay, and in the case of non-commissioned officers, also deprivation of acting rank or reduction to a lower grade of pay;
(f) forfeiture of good service and good conduct pay;
(g) severe reprimand or reprimand;
(h) fine up to fourteen days' pay in any one month;
(i) penal deductions under clause (g) of section 91;