Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/14

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As in the first place, which of you all can ſay, but Maſter Malt can make a cup of good liquor, with the help of a good brewer and when it is made it muſt be ſold. The fault is not in the drink or the maker; for I pray which of you can live without it; but when ſuch as theſe as complain of us, find it to be good, when then they have ſuch a greedy mind, that they think they ſhall never have enough for their money; and ſo Will overcomes Wit, and then they begin to quarrel firſt with each other, and then they abuſe me and nay brother Sir John, ſo that in the end we are forced to take them down faſt aſleep. Then I pray you judge whether we or they are in the fault.

The Judges.

Truly we cannot ſee that you are much in the fault: however you muſt give bail, for your good behaviour to Mr. Mault.—And as for you, Sir John, you muſt appear at the next Seſſions, to anſwer what may be further objected to you, and make your defence, and ſo fare you well for this time.