Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/16

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And honeſt Will the Weavea,
For all he is ſo ſtout,
I know he will endeavour
to have the other bout.

Tho' Maſter Wheat the baker,
he'll be my younger brother,
He'll not deny a bout to try,
with me or any other.

And Dick the nimble taylor,
will venture his beſt ſhears,
Till Barleycorn and Maſter Malt,
do take them by the ears.

There's not a tradeſman in the land,
that ever yet was born,
But will take a touch ſometimes too much
of Sir John Barleycorn.

Therefore all honeſt tradeſmen,
a good word for me give,
And pray that Sir John Barleycorn
may always with you live.