Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/23

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valour in himſelf there are few that can encounter with him for he can pull down the ſtrongeſt man in the world, and lay him faſt aſleep, therefore I beſeech you gentlemen to let him live, or elſe we are all undone.

Enter a Farmer.

Gentlemen, all this is true the woman ſpeaks, for if you put Sir John Barleycorn to death, I and mine are all undone, for I pay a great rent for my farm, and keep a great many ſervants under me, which ſtand me in great charges, and if you put Sir John Barleycorn to death, I and mine are all undone, ſo I pray let him live, if you love the Common Wealth.

The Judges.

Well we fee no cauſe of death in this man therefore he ſhall not die.

Sir John, your life is now your own henceforth and for evermore; therefore down on your knees and pray for the King.

Sir John.

I will Sir, and curſe on his heart that will not ſay amen to my prayer.