Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/4

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And they hae taen his very heart's blood
and drank it round and round;
And ſtill the more and more they drank,
their joy did more abound,


ALL you that be good fellows,
come liſten unto me,
If that you love the alehouſe
and merry company.

Attend unto my ſtory,
which I fear is too true;
it makes my heart full ſorry,
and many doth it rue.

'Tis of a gallant noble Knight,
which many know full well,
An honeſt man I witneſs can,
if I the truth may tell

His name is Sir John Barleycorn
who makes both beer and bread,
What would do all that now are born,
if Barleycorn was dead?

For as I abroad did walk,
I heard a piteous cry,