Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/181

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calculation. The diſtance from the Rhebas to Acra Melaenæ is counted by Arrian 150 ſtadia; but it meaſures by the large map 18½ Engliſh miles nearly. If to theſe we add ⅛ for winding, we ſhall have upwards of 20½ miles, equal to about 170 ſtadia, or nearly a fifth part more than Arrian's computation. But, on the other hand, from Heraclea to Amaſtris is, according to Arrian, 690 ſtadia; but by Arrowſmith's chart it meaſures, in a ſtraight line, 542 ſtadia; to which if we add ⅛, it comes nearly to 609 ſtadia, or 81 ſhort of Arrian's computation.

Again, from Amaſtris to Carambis is, according to Arrian, no more than 480 ſtadia; but by Arrowſmith's chart[1] it meaſures, in a direct line, 550, and with the addition of ⅛, 619 ſtadia. It is obvious that no juſt concluſion reſpecting the length of the ſtadium can be drawn from the two laſt inſtances.

From Sinope to Amiſus is, according to Arrian, 1020 ſtadia; but by Arrowſmith's chart it is, in a right line, 786 ſtadia only; and 884, with the addition of ⅛. The difference in the diſtance between Amiſus and Cera ſuntum is ſtill greater. Arrian makes it 1570 ſtadia; Arrowſmith's chart no more than 925, in a direct line; and, with the addition of ⅛, only 1041.

Faden's map however makes it to be 1226 ſtadia, or 1379, with the addition of ⅛. D'Anville makes it 1110 ſtadia in a direct line, or 1248.7 with the addition of ⅛. Modern geographers in this inſtance vary nearly as much from one another, as modern do from ancient.

  1. The meaſurements on the chart were made degrees of longitude in different with a due allowance for the difference of the latitudes.
