Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/183

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Distance from Epheſus to Sardis.

According to Herodotus 540 Olympic ſtadia.

According to Mr. La Nauze, from De Liſe's map of Ancient Greece, 37° =42.704 Engliſh miles, = 373.075 Olympic ſtadia.

According to Mr. D'Anville, 480 Olympic ſtadia.

According to Mr. Rochette, 66 Engliſh miles, = 576 ſtadia.

According to Mr. Arrowſmith, 59′ 30″, = 68.623 Engliſh miles, = 602.5 Olympic ſtadia.

It muſt: be obſerved, that theſe calculations of the modern geographers refer to the direct diſtance. If ⅛ be added, it will ſtand thus:

Ds Lrſmz. .

37 + ⅛ (=4.625) = 41.625 == 48.48 Engliſh miles, = 423 Olympic ſtadia;

which laſt number is to that aſſigned by Herodotus, (540) as 8 to 10.2126; and of courſe ſhould give the laſt-mentioned number for that of the ſtadia contained in a mile.

D'Anville, Map, of Aſia Minor.

480 + ⅛ (= 60) = 540;

the ſame with Herodotus, and eight to a mile.

Rochette, Map of Greece.

66 Eng. miles, + ⅛ (=8.25) = 74.25 = 648.7 Olympic ſtadia, or 6.6595 to a mile.

Arrowsmith, Map of Turkey in Europe.

68.623 + ⅛ (=8.57) = 77.201 = 675 Olympic ſtadia; or 6.4 to a mile;

which makes the ſtadium of Herodotus longer than the uſual computation of the Olympic in the proportion of 5 to 4. For 5: 675:: 4: 540.
