Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/29

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for a ſea voyage. We ſhould obſerve further, that the Periplus of Arrian is not the hiſtory of one voyage executed by the narrator,as that of Nearchus, and others. It conſiſts of three ſeparate voyages, or expeditions of diſcovery, and these perhaps executed by different persons, and at conſiderable intervals,

The firſt of theſe, in the order of his relation, is the report of his own voyage along the coast from Trapezus to Dioſcurias, or Sebaſtopolis; a City situated upon the Northern part of the Eaſtern extremity of the Euxine ſea, lying in Latitude 43° 18′ nearly, and in Longitude East from; the Canaries about 60°[1]. This was evidently performed by Arrian himſelf in perſon, and ſeems to be the moſt correct of any.

The next diviſion of the Periplus comprehends the account of the diſtance of the places from one another, which lie upon the Southern coaſt of the Euxine sea, from Byzantium to Trapezus, Whether these are put down from the personal experience of the Author, is not aſcertained. Mr. Dodwell thinks that they might be the result of his own examination in his journey from Byzantium, when he went to take possession of his government of Cappadocia; and this conjecture is not improbable. This part of the Periplus is more correct than the one remaining to be ſpoken of; but lets so, I think, than the former. It is however a valuable performance.

The third and laſt part of the Periplus contains an account of the distances between the places that lie on the coaſt of the Euxine

  1. D'Arville, Ancient Geogr. Map of Asia Minor.—Arrowsmith's Chart places Diosculris nearly in Lat 43° 19′, and in 58° 17′ 50″ E. Long from Ferro.
