Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/125

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made Plain and Easy.

butter, then with the yolk of an egg, and then baste them again with crumbs of bread, a little nutmeg and sweet-herbs; when enough lay them in your dish, have good gravy ready, with truffles, morels, and mushrooms, to pour into your dish. Garnish with lemon.

Pigeons in compote with white sauce.

LET your pigeons be drawn, picked, scalded, and flayed; then put them into a stew-pan with veal sweetbreads, cocks-combs, mushrooms, truffles, morels, pepper, salt, a pint of thin gravy, a bundle of sweet-herbs, an onion, and a blade or to of mace: cover them close, let them stew half an hour, then take out the herbs and onion, beat up the yolks of tow or three eggs, with some chopped parsley, in a quarter of a pint of cream, and a little nutmeg; mix all together, stir it one way till thick; lay the pigeons in the dish, and the sauce all over. Garnish with lemon.

A French pupton of pigeons.

TAKE savoury force-meat rolled out like paste, put it in a butter-dish, lay a layer of very thin bacon, squab pigeons, sliced sweetbread, asparagus-tops, mushrooms, cocks-combs, a plate boiled tender and cut into pieces, and the yolks of hard eggs; make another force-meat and lay over like a pye, bake it; and when enough turn it into a dish, and pour gravy round it.

Pigeons boiled with rice.

TAKE six pigeons, stuff their bellies with parsley, pepper, and salt, rolled in a very little piece of butter; put them into a quart of mutton broth, with a little beaten mace, a bundle of sweet-herbs, and an onion; cover them close, and let them boil a full quarter of an hour; then take out the onion and sweet-herbs, and take a good piece of butter rolled in flour, put it in and give it a shake, season it with salt, if it wants it, then have ready half a pound of rice boiled tender in milk; when it begins to be thick (but take great care it do not burn) take the yolks of two or three eggs, beat up with two or three spoonfuls of cream and a little nutmeg, stir it together till it is quite thick, then take up the pigeons and lay them in a dish pour the gravy to the rice, stir all together and pour over the pigeons. Garnish with hard eggs cut into quarters.
