Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/241

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made Plain and Easy.

bean, and so on till you fill the rim of your dish. They are very good without fryingy and only plain butter melted over them.

An amulet of beans.

BLANCH your beans, and fry them in sweet butter, with a little parsley, pour out the butter, and pour in some cream. Let it simmer, shaking your pan; season with pepper, salt, and nutmeg, thicken with three or four yolks of eggs, have ready a pint of cream, thickened with the yolks of four eggs, season with a little salt, pour it in your dish, and lay your beans on the amulet, and serve it up hot.

The same way you may dress mushrooms, truffles, green pease, asparagus, and artichoke-bottoms, spinach, sorrel, &c. all being first cut into small pieces, or shred fine.

To make a bean tansey.

TAKE two quarts of beans, blanch and beat them very fine in a mortar; season with pepper, fair, and mace; then put in the yolks of fix eggs, and a quarter of a pound of butter, a pint of cream, half a pint of sack, and sweeten to your palate. Soak four Naples biscuits in half a pint of milk, mix them with the other ingredients. Butter a pan and bake it, then turn it on a dish, and flick citron and orange-peel candied, cut small, and stuck about it. Garnish with Seville orange.

To make a water tansey.

TAKE twelve eggs, beat them very well, half a manchet grated, and sifted through a cullender, or half a penny roll, half a pint of fair water. Colour it with the juice of spinach, and one small sprig of tansey beat together; season it with sugar to your palate, a little salt, a small nutmeg grated, two or three spoonfuls of rose- water, put it into a skillet, stir it all one way, and let it thicken like a hasty-pudding; then bake it, or you may butter a stew-pan and put it into. Butter a dish, and lay over it: when one side is enough, turn it with the dish, and flip the other side into the pan. When that is done, set it into a massereen, throw sugar all over, and garnish with orange.

Pease françoise.

TAKE a quart of shelled pease, cut a large Spanish onion or two middling ones small, and two cabbage or Silesia lettuces cut small, put them into a sauce-pan, with half a pint of water,