Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/290

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The Art of Cookery.

To put a cold tongue, beef, or venison.

CUT it small, beat it well in a marble mortar, with melted butter, and two anchovies, till the meat is mellow and fine then put it down close in your pots, and cover it with clarified butter. Thus you may do cold wild fowl; or you may put any sort of cold fowl whole, seasoning them with what spice you please.

To pot venison.

TAKE a piece of venison, fat and lean together, lay it in a dish, and flick pieces of butter all over: tie brown paper over and bake it. When it comes out of the oven, take it out the liquor hot, drain it, and lay it in a dish when cold, take off all the skin, and beat it in a marble mortar, fat and lean together, season it with mace, cloves, nutmeg, black pepper, and salt to your mind. When the butter is cold that it was baked in, take a little of it, and beat in with it to moisten it; then put it down dose, and cover it with clarified butter. You must be sure to beat it till it is like a paste.

To pot tongues.

TAKE a neat's tongue, rub it with a pound of white salt, an ounce of salt-petre, half a pound of coarse sugar, rub it well, turn it every day in this pickle for a fortnight. This pickle will do several tongues, only adding a little more while salt; or we generally do them after our hams. Take the tongues out of the pickle, cut off the root, and boil it well, till it will peel; then take your tongues and season them with salt, pepper, clovesm mace, and nutmeg, all beat fine; rub it well with your hands whilst it is hot; then put it in a pot, and melt as much better as will cover it all over. Bake it an hour in the oven, then take it out, let it stand to cool, rub a little fresh spice on it; and when it is quite cold, lay it in your pickling pot. When the butter is cold you bake it in, take it off clean from the gravy, set it in an earthen pan before the fire; and when it is melted, pour it over the tongue. You may lay pigeons or chickens on each side; be sure to set the butter be about an inch above the tongue.