Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/318

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The Art of Cookery,

To make fairy butter.

TAKE the yolks of two hard eggs, and beat them in a marble mortar, with a large spoonful of orange-flower water, and two tea spoonfuls of fine sugar beat to powder, beat this all together till it is a fine paste, then mix it up with about as much fresh butter out of the churn, and force it through a fine strainer full of little holes into the plate. This is a pretty thing to set off a table for supper.

To make almond custards.

TAKE a pint of cream, blanch and beat a quarter of a pound of almonds fine, with two spoonfuls of rose-water. Sweeten it to your palate; beat up the yolks of four eggs, stir all together one way over the fire till it is thick, then pour it out into cups. Or you may bake it in little china cups.

To make baked custards.

ONE pint of cream boiled with mace and cinnamon; when cold take four eggs, two whites left out, a little rose and orange-flower water and sack, nutmeg and sugar to your palate; mix them well together, and bake them in china cups.

To make plain custards.

TAKE a quart of new milk, sweeten it to your taste, grate in a little nutmeg, beat up eight eggs, leave out half the whites, beat them up well, stir them into the milk, and bake it in china basons, or put them in a deep china dish; have a kettle of water boiling, set the cup in, let the water come above half way, but don't let it boil too fast for fear of its getting into the cups. You may add a little rose-water.

To make orange butter.

TAKE the yolks of ten eggs beat very well, half a pint of Rheinish, six ounces of sugar, and the juice of three sweet oranges; set them over a gentle fire, stirring them one way till it is thick. When you take it off, stir in a piece of butter as big as a large walnut.
