Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/426

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mutton, 51. To make a collar of fish in ragoo, to look like a breast of veal collared, 184. To make potatoes like a collar of veal, or mutton, 193. To collar a breast of veal, or a pig, 254. To collar beef, ib. Another way to season a collar of beef, 255. To collar a salmon, ib. Collops, how to dress beef collops, 137. To dress collops of oysters, 186. See Scotch collops. Comfrey roots, how to boil, 240. Conserve of red roses, or any other flowers, how to make, 303. Conserve of hips, ib. Conserve of roses boiled, 364. Cowslip pudding, how to make, 210. To make cowslip wine, 291. Crabs, how to butter, 185. To dress a crab, 186. Crab-fish, how to choose, 325. Cracknells, how to make, 3576. Craw-fish, how to make a cullis of craw fish, 105. To make craw-fish soop, 123, 128. To stew craw-fish, 186. Cream, how to make cream toasts, 163. A cream pudding, 220. To make steeple cream, 281. Lemon cream, two ways, ib. Jelly of cream, 282. Orange cream, ib. Cooseberry cream, ib. Barley cream, 361. Blanch'd cream, 285. Almond cream, ib. A fine cream, ib. Ratafia cream, ib. Whipt cream, 284. Ice cream, 332. Sack cream, like butter, 361. Clouted cream, 362. Quince cream, ib. Citron cream, 363. Cream of apples, quince, gooseberries, prunes or raspberries, ib. Sugar-loaf cream, ib. Cropadeau, how to make; a Scotch dish, &c. 371. Crout-sour, how to make, 376. Crust, how to make a good crust for great pies, 145. A standing crust for great pies, ib. A cold crust, ib. A dripping crust, ib. A crust for custards, ib. A paste for cracking crust, 146. Cucumbers, how to stew cucumbers, 109, 195, 205. To ragoo cucumbers, 109. To force cucumbers, 113. To pickle large cucumbers in slices, 262. How to preserve cucumbers equal with any India sweetmeats, 378. Cullis, for all sorts of ragoo, 104. A cullis for all sorts of butchers meat, ib. Cullis the Italian way, 105. Cullis of craw-fish, ib. A white cullis, 106. Curd fritters, how to make, 157. Currants red, how to pickle, 276. How to make currant jelly, 287. Currant wine, 292. To preserve currants, 358. Currey, how to make the Indian way, 101 Custard pudding, to boil, 212. Custards good with gooseberry pye, 225. To make almond custards, 280. Baked custards, ib. Plain custards, ib. Cutlets a la Mainteneon, a very good dish, 46. Cyder, how to make, 367. How to fine cyder, ib. D. Damsons, to make damson pudding, 220. To preserve damsons whole, 350. To keep damsons for pies or tarts, 311. To dry damsons, 353. December, product of the kitchen and fruit garden this month, 327.