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The alarming shadow, which each moment seemed to become broader and darker over the lake, was caused by an enormous balloon which I saw floating over our heads. It made a great blowing and hissing noise as it came near that was almost deafening. Settling down gradually until the car touched the ground close beside the place where we stood, the swollen monster came at last to rest. Then the demon addressed me again:

'Get in there!'

'No, sir,' I answered. 'I hope you will excuse me. I never was in a balloon, and it would not agree with my nerves. I prefer to remain here if it is all the same to you, sir.'

'Get in there!' he again shouted in a commanding tone.

'I will not.' I replied. My blood was rising, and even cowards may be brave sometimes.

The fiend in the car, the engine-driver, burst into a loud and derisive laugh. Then a peal of thunder from a neighbouring black cloud suddenly burst on my ears, and rain began to fall in torrents. The Demon scowled and, quick as thought, untwisted his tail from his arm, and seizing me with it round the waist, roughly hurled me into