Page:Arthur B Reeve - The Dream Doctor.djvu/335

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The Ghouls

I could not but fancy, however, that his hearty assurance that he would be glad to talk freely on the case was somewhat forced.

"You were sent for by Mrs. Phelps, that last night, I believe, while Phelps was still alive?" asked Kennedy.

"Yes. During the day it had been impossible to arouse him, and that night, when Mrs. Phelps and the nurse found him sinking even deeper into the comatose state, I was summoned again. He was beyond hope then. I did everything I could, but he died a few moments after I arrived."

"Did you try artificial respiration?" asked Kennedy.

"N-no," replied Forden. "I telephoned here for my respirator, but by the time it arrived at the house it was too late. Nothing had been omitted while he was still struggling with the spark of life. When that went out what was the use?"

"You were his personal physician?"


"Had you ever noticed that he took any drug?"

Doctor Forden shot a quick glance at Kennedy, "Of course not. He was not a drug fiend."

"I didn't mean that he was addicted to any drug. But had he taken anything lately, either of his own volition or with the advice or knowledge of any one else?"

"Of course not."

"There's another strange thing I wish to ask your opinion about," pursued Kennedy, not to be rebuffed. "I have seen his body. It is in an excellent state of