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1965 AHH Journal

10 Oct. (p.3) blow sand absent. The concentration is in whitish-gray sands lying about the silts. Sands very from quite fine to very coarse, and many chunks of calichi included. Thickness is difficult to estimate at present, but appears to be over 20 feet all apparently fossiliferous. Limited observation indicates an unevenness of contact (unconformity?). Frag's of horse tooth picked up as float as is a humerus without epiphyses (horse?). A rib and a portion of a horse tooth (4209) found in place within 3 inches of contact between the sands and silt. Appeared to be in a slight arroyo (6”?) within the silts. The tooth fragment is water-worn as are many of the bone scraps found. Latter area not investigated thoroughly due to limitations of time. On way back to the car, in same area but on top of deposits, distal end of humerus plus numerous scraps exposed. Cursory examination of an anthill on top revealed a port. of pectoral girdle of anuran--don't know if fossil or not. 17 Oct. Checked the same area as on 10 Oct. for about an hour. Distal end humerus from the same in-place area checked last time. Several tooth fragments picked up as float. 20 Oct. Set up a mist net in a gap between salt cedar