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When I am wi’ the choſen few,
The time fu’ quickly paſſes, o,
But days are hours, an’ leſs, I trow,
When I am wi’ the laſſes, o.
Fair fa’, &c.

When joys abound, then let a round
of overflowing glaſſes, o,
Gae briſk about, an’ clean drink out;
The toaſt be— “Bonnie Laſſes,” o!
Fair fa’ the laſſes, o!
Fair fa’ the laſſes, o!
And dool and care ſtill be his ſhare,
Wha winna toaſt the laſſes, o!

Ca’ the Ewes to the Knowes.

Ca’ the ewes to the knowes,
Ca’ them whare the heather grows,
Ca’ them whare the burnie rows,
My bonnie dearie.
As I gaed down the water ſide,
There I met my ſhepherd lad,
He row’d me ſweetly in his plaid,
And ca’d me his dearie.
Ca’ the ewes, &c.

Will you gang down the water side,

And ſee the waves ſae ſweetly glide