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Second Thoughts are best.

I’ll tell you how I ſerv’d a lad,
Who paid his court to me;
Indeed I thought him craz’d or mad,
He was ſo bold and free.
For though I told him o’er and o’er,
It was in vain he preſs’d,
The creature only cried the more,
That ſecond thoughts are beſt.

“You may (ſays I) ſay what you pleaſe,
My mind is ſtill the ſame,
Nor, though you beg it on your knees,
I ne’er will change my name.”
“You won’t?” ſays he— “I won’t, (ſaid I)
So ſet your thoughts at reſt.”
“Poo, poo, (he cried) you’ll find, rely,
That ſecond thoughts are beſt.”
“I tell you once for all (ſaid I)
I’ll never be your wife.”
“Why then, (cried he) if ſo, good bye,
I’ll take young Jane for life.”
“Take Jane! (ſays I) you ſhan’t I vow,
Why, I was but in jeſt;
Beſides I clearly ſee it now,
That ſecond thoughts are beſt.”