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size, from the 1906 and 1912 editions. Also published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.)


Walton, Izaak: The Compleat Angler. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 37 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 775 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by David McKay Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)

Moore, Clement C.: The Night Before Christmas. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 21 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 550 copies signed by Rackham, of which 275 copies were reserved for U.S.A. Also published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)

Dickens, Charles: The Chimes. The Limited Editions Club, New York. 20 illustrations. (Only published in this edition limited to 1,500 copies signed by Rackham.)


Ruskin, John: The King of the Golden River. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 19 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 570 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)

Andersen, Hans: Fairy Tales. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 71 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 525 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by David McKay Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)


Rossetti, Christina: Goblin Market. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 23 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 410 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)

The Arthur Rackham Fairy Book. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 68 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 460 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)


Browning, Robert: The Pied Piper of Hamelin. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 18 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 410 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)


Poe, Edgar Allen: Tales of Mystery and Imagination. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 40 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 460 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia in a trade edition.)


Ibsen, Henrik: Peer Gynt. George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. 19 illustrations. (There was also a de-luxe edition limited to 450 copies signed by Rackham. Also published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, in a trade edition.)


Shakespeare, William: A Midsummer-Night’s Dream. The Limited Editions Club, New York. 6 illustrations. (Limited to 1,950 copies.) This is one of the 37 volumes