Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/130

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"Whadda yuh mean by blowin' in here and interrupting a privut readin'?" demanded Sadie, making sure her foot was planted on the yellow envelope. "I ain't no sheet writer, and I ain't no miracle worker—"

"No, but you're a bunco-steerer, and you can't con me!"

"Say, yuh big four-flush, if yuh could lay a bet as vig'rous as yuh can beef over a lost chance yuh'd be a second Canfield b'fore the spring circuits closed!"

"I've laid my bets! And now I'm goin' to lay a complaint!"

"Well, yuh needn't cackle as if yuh was goin' to lay an egg!"

"You're a faker!"

"Whadda yuh goin' to do about it?"

"I'm going to have you pinched, that's what I'm going to do about it!"

Sadie leisurely took her seat.

"Yuh got any other business wit' me?" she asked. "For this is my crowded evenin' and I ain't got much time for pikers!"

"You'll have time to burn when I get through with you!"