Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/132

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And she tried to figure up how many hours it was since she had eaten.

"That's the brand o' squealer I've gotta face ev'ry day in this business," she wrathfully announced.

But Dorgan, who had dropped into his chair and remained utterly passive through all this scene, suddenly swung about on her.

"You're steering for a fall here," he announced, with calm conviction.

"I'm what?" demanded Sadie, making sure the manila envelope was under her foot.

"I've got a hunch you're going to have trouble here! There's something wrong about that guy, and I know it!"

"How d' yuh know it?"

"He's the same guy I saw gum-shoeing around here two days ago! And if he's not putting something over on this house there's nothing in a hunch."

"Well, all he can do is close me up."

"Then what'll you do?"

Sadie pondered this question. The zest of battle was in her veins and she wanted no misstep to mar her chance of final victory. She was one small factor working blindly in a campaign which she could not comprehend in its entirety. But there were cer-