Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/139

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He was in the gun works there with me, but they got leery and held up his mail. He skipped the country before he could make his deal. I decided to move on, after that, so I got a transfer to Navy Department work."

"And what t'ell good is a gun map goin' to be to me, or to this man Breitman, or any other wop who isn't busy runnin' a gun factory?" demanded Sadie. It was well, she knew, not to appear too wise.

"That gun," retorted Dorgan, pounding with an impressive forefinger on the table-top, "is the gun that's going to win the next war. The country that knows how to make it is the country that comes out first. And the foreign agent who thinks you've got those specifications is going to be after 'em as keen as Kendall was after that new submarine. And he'd got it if he played straight, but he played crooked and lost his chance!"

Sadie's sigh was one of exhausted patience.

"And this guy up at the Alsatia is one o' them foreign agents?"

"Sure he is! And it's up to you to finance this thing so we can split even on the proceeds. It'll put you on Easy Street. All you've got to do is to