Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/17

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in which he had pretended to be so pertinaciously interested. It was an old trick of the chief's, that of masking his mental batteries behind an escarpment of manuscripts.

"Then why haven't I a record of that work?"

"I guess you didn't know I was doin' it."


"Because I was actin' for Kestner."

"Of the Paris office?"


"And with anybody else?"

The girl hesitated.

"Yes; with young Wilsnach as well."

The chief glanced down at his pages of script.

"On what case?"

"The Lambert counterfeitin' case."

"Then why aren't you still acting with Kestner?"

"Because he's quittin' the Service."

"Who told you that?"


"Does Wilsnach tell you everything he knows?"

Sadie Wimpel uncrossed her knees.

"Not by a long shot!"

"But working together that way, the two of you naturally became more or less confidential?"