Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/193

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Yet it was this waiter himself, when he stepped back into the room, who made the first move. He somewhat bruskly interrupted Andelman's talk with the announcement that there was a long-distance call awaiting him at the office. And this waiter, Sadie noticed, was not so inwardly calm as his outward appearance might indicate.

"Find who is calling!" commanded Andelman, with a distinct note of annoyance. Then he turned to Kestner again, repeating an inquiry if it could be true that the new Army satchel-wireless designs, based on the "Whisker Wireless" of the French Intelligence Corps, had been among the secrets so mysteriously and so ingeniously stolen from Headquarters. Then he stopped talking, for the waiter once more stood close behind him. This servant's face, Sadie now noticed, was moist with a faint dewing of sweat-drops.

"It is Washington, sir, that wants you!" he announced.

"But who?" irritably demanded Andelman.

"I think they said the Navy Department, sir!"

Andelman's manner changed.

"Then you'll excuse me for a minute or two?" he graciously implored, as he rose from his chair.