Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/197

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"Wallaby Sam!"

Sadie at once released the bewildered and still struggling Wilsnach.

"Then where's your Wallaby Sam?'* she called after him, remembering what Dorgan had already told her.

"That's what we'd give our eye teeth to know!" was Wilsnach's answer as he slipped out through the door.

Sadie looked after his disappearing figure. Then she gathered up her wraps, powdered her nose and quietly but resolutely proceeded down to the rotunda of the big hotel. From there, perceiving neither Andelman nor Wilsnach nor Kestner, she strolled on to the starter's office, at the carriage entrance, and called for a taxicab.

"Where to?" was the question put to her.

For one moment she hesitated. Then she said with determination: "Hotel Alsatia!"