Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/230

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the unhitchin'—which is more than some o' these Fift' Avenoo ribs can say! I was druv to it! Three lemons in a row, who never come through wit' enough to pay a honest board-bill!"

"Then I'm as glad as you are that you're legally free. But there is one other question I must ask you. Has—er—has Wilsnach ever led you to believe that a termination of that freedom might be not altogether undesirable?"

"Come again!" said the puzzled Sadie.

"Has Wilsnach," repeated Kestner with a sigh, "been trying to make love to you?"

Still again Sadie's laugh was about as mirthless as the chatter of a kingfisher.

"That gink?" she inquired, with a gesture of contempt. "Why, that gink ain't got no more idear o' makin' love than a hearse-plume has!"

"But you don't altogether dislike him, do you?"

Sadie's face softened a little.

"He's the only guy who's been decent to me in a dog's age! I mean exceptin' yuh—and yuh're goin' to beat it for the double-harness shop as soon as yuh get through pilotin' this case!"

Kestner's face retained all its solemnity. "But this case is far from ended," he reminded her.