Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/347

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There were moments when the younger woman's mind seemed unable to follow the Gargantuan footsteps of her companion.

"Do you mean you are going to arrest all these men?"

"I'm goin' to do more'n arrest 'em. I'm goin' to extradict 'em and have 'em go home with irons on, and get the life sentence they've been workin' overtime to earn."

The alarm on the young nurse's face did not appreciably decrease.

"And what am I to do with all this?"

Sadie Wimpel sat on the edge of the bed, swinging her feet. She even smiled a little, for she felt sure that she knew her woman.

"Yuh're goin' to be my gay-cat."

"Your what?"

"Yuh're goin' to act as my stick-up. And that needn't give yuh cold feet, dearie, for it won't be any harder'n what yuh're doin' at this moment. All yuh gotta do is wear a uniform and put me cut flowers out in the hall ev'ry night and stand between me and the wide, wide world. I mean yuh gotta keep me from bein' seen. Ev'ry gink in this Indian-sign hotel's gotta think I'm a real patient.