Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/350

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Sadie paused in the act of dropping a skirt over her head.

"They gotta come here, dearie, b'cause I'm goin' to have this room rigged up special for 'em. If I can't work it any other way, I'll engage ev'ry other empty room in this whole dump and pay for it in advance. And that'll leave 'em only this one to crawl into. But that ain't the important point." Sadie, having hooked her skirt and locked the door, switched on the rest of the light. "Did yuh ever go to a county fair and see the rubes crowdin' in to what they called a camera ohscura?"

"I think I have!"

"Of course yuh have! Well, I'm carryin' our War Department's improvement on that, an improvement that was first worked out for our submarine periscopes. Yuh see the brass globe on the bottom o' that old chandelier that looks as if it come out o' the Ark? Well, I'm goin' to take off that globe and set my glass lens in there. It'll blend in with the ornamental work and couldn't be spotted with a microscope. Then after I've had a hole cut in the floor up in your room, I'm goin' to set up my refractin' mirrors. Then all I gotta do is adjust my white glazed dial. It may be too small to show