Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/375

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Sadie laughed.

"I gotta keep him away from all this danger! I gotta put him wise to the ropes that've been laid around here. For I sure don't want that man takin' risks, if I can help it !"

"But why should you worry about him?" asked the nurse, as she adjusted her cap on mahogany brown hair which Sadie regarded as altogether too primly coiffured.

"Because there ain't another man like him in all the world," was Sadie's quite unexpected answer. Her capacity for surprising her younger companion seemed without limit.

"Then you know him?"

"In a kind of a way," was Sadie's ironic retort. Then she once more became studious. "But the stunt we gotta face is how to get in touch with him. It's ten to one he's told that night clerk to keep his trap shut. But the first thing we can do is see if he'll talk or not!"

"What shall I ask him?" inquired the girl as she crossed to the telephone in answer to the older woman's gesture.

"Ask him for the room number o' that specialist who just blew in from Noo Yawk to-night, the