Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/72

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worth waiting a couple of years for. The worst kink in his record, though, is that Dorgan became a pool-room habitué."

"Playin' the ponies?"

"Yes; and through this he got to neglect his work and was finally discharged. It was this woman named Fatichiara who gave him track-return tips. That's about all we know, except one thing. And that one thing is that Keudell and his gang would cut this man's throat as quick as they'd strike a match once they thought those plans were within their reach !"

"How d' yuh know he ain't gay-cattin' for Keudell right along?" demanded Sadie.

"Because Keudell doesn't appear to have been on this trail two months, let alone two years. There may have been others, it's true. But Kestner wired me that he'd got enough tips from the Madame Garnier papers to show that Keudell himself had laid a number of ropes. And those are the things we've got to trace up!"

The mention of Madame Garnier's name took his thoughts back to the letter which he still held unopened In his hand. Sadie Wimpel sat resentfully watching him as he tore the end from the envelope